QRP CW/SSB Multi-band Klopik-2 transceiver. Output PA 10 Watt. (KIT diy).
$ 167.37
- Description
- Size Guide
Small in size, is made discrete, this transceiver is likely designed to work QRP in CW and SSB modes in the field. Tranceiver work from power supply 12V. Output 10W."Klopik" designed to work on all Amateur HF bands in modes CW, SSB and PSK. The transceiver has a small size, which allows its use in field conditions and at the cottage. The amplifier of the transceiver to the antenna gives 10 watts
The dignity of "Klopik" are excellent repeatability, ease of building of the transceiver, a small number of elements of the main Board, at least nastech elements, its small size and relatively high characteristics of the receiving and transmitting path.
Support bands:
1.8 MHz
3.5 MHz
7.0 MHz
10 MHz
14 MHz
KIT consists of the following units:
KIT - Motherboard of TRX CW/SSB Klopik-2 transceiver
2) KIT -
Power Amplifier 10W (Power supply - 12V)
3) KIT -
Bandpass filters - 9 bands, 12V relay
4) KIT - Low-pass filters - 9 bands, 12V relay
5) KIT - Digital VFO DDS 9-bands synthesizer + lcd Nokia 5110 (English+Russian menu) + decoder board for switching bands digitally
6) KIT - CW word keyer unit for Klopik
7) KIT - Digital SWR meter + Transmission line 1..30 MHZ (Directional Coupler)
All manuals in English & Russian.
Each KIT consitsts of all necessary components:
- clear documentation in English and Russian
- PCBs (drilled with mask)
- integrated chips
- transistors
- coils
- required capacitors
- trimmer resistors
- wires,
- etc.